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用手机投的宝看看/·九月心动:dd!用 的宝宝们看看!调整后快速很多[电影特技狂人]@来碗月光拌饭:刘耀文粉丝专用 手机的宝宝如果在复制sjh切换时经常跳出图1这种情况,可以照着图2的方式设置一下!设.


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|牛津树【8DD-6】A Good Turn(中)the

今天我们阅读的绘本是:“A Good Turn” Let's review the story first. Chip had joined the Cub Scouts. This night,Wilf and Chip were going to make their Cub Scout Promise. Then,the children wanted to learn ...

|牛津树【7DD-2】A Tall Tale(下)the

Hello,大家好,我是娜塔莉。今天我们阅读的是:“A Tall Tale” Let's review the story first. The magic took them to a little boat in the middle of the sea. They met an enormous whale. Its tail burst out of the ...

|牛津树 9DD-3 the Fair-haired Samurai(1)Kipper

9DD-1 the travelling players(1) 9DD-1 the travelling players(2) 9DD-1 the travelling players(3) 9DD-1 the travelling players(4) 9DD-2 Princes in the Tower(1) 9DD-2 Princes in the Tower(2) 9DD-2 ...

|牛津树【6DD-3】On the Stage(上)West

A show about the Wild West leads to an adventure on a stagecoach. 一场关于荒凉的西部的秀,导致了一场在公共马车上的探险。stagecoach 马车,公共马车 a large carriage pulled by horses,that was used in the past to ...