
“酒肉情侣”英文怎么说?绝不是“wine and meat lovers”friend_朋友_only

“酒肉情侣”不要望文生义地翻译为:“wine and meat lovers”!“酒肉情侣”里的“酒肉”不是真的指酒和肉,而是代指吃喝玩乐(eat、drink and be merry)。这样的情侣灵魂还没在一起呢,身体就歪腻到一块了。“情侣”一般...

“white wine”根本不是“白酒”地道的英语表达学起来!make_bed_意思

wine是由发酵的葡萄汁制成,与我们所说的白酒相去甚远.例句:Her crow's feet give her age away.她的年纪都显现在鱼尾纹上。make"有"制造…

英语新闻|Intl wine expo to be held in Yantai in June|

Intl wine expo to be held in Yantai in June 国际葡萄酒博览会将于6月在烟台举行 As the largest wine production base in China,Yantai has held an international wine expo every year since 2007. 烟台作为中国最大的...


说到“酒”的英文,很多同学脑海里出现的第一个单词可能是“wine”,但“wine”一般指的是“葡萄酒;果酒”,所以“white wine”也就是“白葡萄酒”,而不是白酒。那“白酒”英文怎么说?中国酒业协会称,中国白酒与白兰地、...


White Dew Wine-饮白露酒 For some people in Nanjing,Jiangsu province,whose hometowns are in Zhejiang province or the southern part of Jiangsu province,it is traditional to make White Dew Wine during this season....


He is drinking wine in a bathtub(while the cat is watching him washing his hair). 他正躺在浴缸里喝着葡萄酒,而喵星人在一旁看着他洗头。3.现在完成时 Jeffery has drunk three glasses of wine on the beach this ...


He is drinking wine in a bathtub(while the cat is watching him washing his hair). 他正躺在浴缸里喝着葡萄酒,而喵星人在一旁看着他洗头。3.现在完成时 Jeffery has drunk three glasses of wine on the beach this ...

“白开水”可不是white water“白酒”也不是“white wine”正确表达学起来!Chinese_英语_例句

大家知道我们每天喝的白开水用英语怎么说吗 同样的,白酒也不是“white wine”哦 因此 plain boiled water译为:清澈的烧开的水,也就是白开水“Wine


葡萄酒(含酒精度数较低的)wine 甜酒 sweet wine 不甜的酒 dry sweet wine 汽酒 bubbing wine 黄酒;绍兴酒 yellow wine;rice wine 雪利酒 sherry 味思美酒;苦艾酒 Vermouth[vɜːˈmuːθ] 朗姆酒 rum 香槟酒 champagne[ʃ...


Wine and Dine 用餐 单词和短语 Chinese restaurant 餐馆 cafe 咖啡馆 bar/pub 酒吧 Hangzhou dishes 杭帮菜 1.Dongpo Pork 东坡肉 2.Fish Balls in Light Soup 清汤鱼圆 3.Stewed Duck with Dried Bamboo Shoots 笋干老鸭煲...